domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

Astronomical observatories around the world.

Astronomical Observatories.

Continents.                 Name.                     Age.                  Place.

America                                AMIBA                           2006                        Hawaii

America                               SFA obs.                          1976                        Texas.
America                                Thompson                        1968                        USA.

America                                Sudbury Neutrino.            1999                        Canada

America                                Solar Carl Sagan               2000                        Mexico.

Europe                                  Bootes                             1985                         Spain

Europe                                  Hamburg obs.                  1803                         Germany

Europe                                  Skinakas obs.                   1984                         Greece

Europe                                  Tartu obs.                        1964                         Estonia

Europe                                   Tuorla obs.                      1952                         Finland

Antartic                                   Bess                               1993                         Antartic

Antartic                                   Antartic Muon                2002                         Antartic
                                               and Neutrino Detecto

Antartic                                   Antartic Submillimeter     1994-2005               Antarctic

Oceanic                                  Parkes obs.                     1971                         Australia

Oceanic                                  Green Point obs.              1961                         Australia

Asia                                        Purple Mountain              1929                          Russia

Asia                                        Vainu bappu obs.             1968                         India

Asia                                         Urumqi Astronomical       1957                         China

Asia                                          Yantra Mandir                 1724                        India

Asia                                           Xujiahui Astronomical     1972                        China

Africa                                        Boyden obs.                     1889                      South Africa

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012


Astronomy is a natural science that deals with the study of celestial objects; the physics, chemistry, and evolution of such objects; and phenomena that originate outside the atmosphere of Earth. Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences.

Astrology consists of a number of belief systems which hold that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. In the West, astrology most often consists of a system of horoscopes that claim to explain aspects of a person's personality and predict future events in their life based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other planetary objects at the time of their birth.
Astrology is a pseudoscience, and as such has been rejected by the scientific communities as having no explanatory power for describing the universe.

Astronomy is not to be confused with astrology, the belief system which claims that human affairs are correlated with the positions of celestial objects. Although the two fields share a common origin they are now entirely distinct.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

How is organise the universe?

The universe.

The universe is formed by galaxies.

The galaxies are massive groups of stars, and are the biggest structures in which one organizes the matter in the Universe. Across the telescope they are showed as luminous spots of different forms. At the moment of classifying them, the scientists distinguish between the galaxies of the Local Group, composed by the thirty most nearby galaxies and to that there is joined gravitacionalmente our galaxy (the Milky Way), and all other galaxies, to which they call "foreign galaxies ". 

Inside the galaxies we can find constellations, that are a group of stars that take an imaginary form in the night sky. They are usually named in honor to mythological characters, people, animals and objects. In different parts of the world, the people have invented different forms for the same groups of brilliant stars. This is like a game of connecting spots in a piece of paper. In the past, the creation of imaginary images of the stars was useful for the navigation in the night and to follow the course of the stations. 

The stars. They are the most constitutive elements distinguished from the galaxies. The stars are enormous spheres of gas that shine due to its gigantic nuclear reactions. When due to the gravitational force, the pressure and the temperature of the interior of a star it is sufficiently intense, there begins the nuclear fusion of its atoms, and they begin to emit a red dark light, which later moves towards the top condition, which is in that our Sun is, for later, to there modify the nuclear interior reactions, to expand and finally to cool. 

Planets. A planet is a heavenly body that Orbit about a star or remnant of her(it). It(he,she) has sufficient mass in order that its gravity overcomes the forces of the rigid body, so that it assumes a form in hydrostatic balance (practically spherical). And it has cleaned the vicinity of its orbit of planetesimales, or what is the same thing has dominancia orbitally.  

Satellites. The natural satellites are stars that turn about the planets. The only natural satellite of the Earth is the Moon, which is also the satellite nearest to the Sun. 

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

Felix Baumgartner. Space Jump.

                               Felix Baumgartner

Felix Baumgartner was born on April 20, 1969 in Salzburg. It is a skydiver and a BASE jumper. He is known for the particular danger of maneuvers that performed during his career. Baumgartner spent some time in the Austrian military, where he practiced parachuting, including training for landing on small areas.
On October 14, 2012, Baumgartner took off from Roswell (New Mexico), to rise to 39 068 m, height from which was made a free fall. This fact attributed three historical records: 1 2 first man to break the barrier of sound, without mechanical support and in free fall. Calculations concluded that the Austrian parachutist broke the sound barrier for the first 40 seconds of fall, arriving at 1173 km/h. Free fall from the highest point, 39.068 meters, when the previous record, established 52 years ago, was 31 333 metres. The manned flight in a balloon to the point farthest from the Earth, surpassing the 40,000 meters of height - being the previous record of 34 668 meters-. The globe, powered by helium, was just 0.02 mm thick walls. 

1997:World Champion title for B.A.S.E. jumping in West Virginia, USA.
1999:World record: highest B.A.S.E. jump from a building, the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1.479 feet). World record: lowest B.A.S.E. dive from the Christ Statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (95 feet).   
2000:Nominated for the NEA Extreme Sports Award in Munich. Category: Special Achievement.
2001:Nominated for the World Sports Award in London, Royal Albert Hall. Category:  Extreme Sports.
Nominated for the NEA Extreme Sports Award in Munich. Category: Special Achievement. 2002:Added to the "Street of Champions" in Vienna, Austria.
Others honored here are Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Foreman, Pélé and Carl Lewis.
2003:Race Man Vs. Machine: Main Stunt at Taurus World Stunt Awards in Hollywood/USA.
Channel Crossing from Dover to Calais: First to cross the english channel in freefall.
2004:Channel of Corinth: B.A.S.E. jump from a 193 feet high bridge in freefall.
Mamet Cave in Velebit National Parc, Croatia: B.A.S.E. jump into a 623 feet deep cave.
Bridge of the Americas, Panama: B.A.S.E. jump from the 393 feet high Panama bridge.
World record: B.A.S.E. jump from the highest bridge in the world, Millau Bridge, France (1.125 feet).
2005:Star guest at the famous Late Night Show with Jay Leno, Los Angeles, USA.
2006:B.A.S.E. jump from the highest building in Latin America, Torre Mayor in Mexico City (738 feet).
B.A.S.E. jump from the highest building in Scandinavia, Turning Torso, Malmö, Sweden (627 feet).
Felix becomes a helicopter pilot at Twin Air Helicopter School, Van Nuys, USA.
2007:B.A.S.E. jump into the second biggest cave in the world, „Seating of the Spirits“, Oman (396 feet).
B.A.S.E. jump off the worlds tallest building - 101 Tower, Taipei (1669.95 feet)


First horoscope. From 'El País': 

-Bad weather will not bitter and do your feelings change. Not have to change your plans. Meteorology is not an important factor that you need to affect your daily routine. You're not any teenager. Out of work, the best plan is a partner and intimate activity. 

Second horoscope. From 'El Mundo':

-MESSAGE. It has more strength and determination than usual, very friendly if you know how to use these qualities in a practical manner in the service of his cherished projects.
WORK. The dominant feature is the desire to do something big and out of the ordinary. He was on the cusp and the power it is firmly installed. The will and the personal effort must give way to the exercise of social skills.
SENTIMENTAL LIFE. Life flows by itself and should not force situations, adapted to the circumstances and be more flexible. Treat his congenital tenacity not make negative and exclusionary, harming the relations of all kinds.Bless you. This sign has a reputation for producing people who are too prone to swell and accumulate a few kilos, perhaps in a night of unrest.

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

scientific method.

                                      Scientific Method. 

  1. Why scientific method is a good way to study nature? Because scientific method has a serie of stages that show us the real thing about the world.
  2. What's necessary to do to solving a problem by a scientific method? First, you have to do an observation. It consists on obtein information about the phonomena. Secondly, you have to develop an hypothesis, to explain what you have seen or lived. Then, you have to do a serie of experiments to verify that the hypothesis you told it's true. After this, there is an analysis of results. Finally, we find the conclusion, here you interpreted observed facts according to the experimental data.
  3. Think of in a physical phenomena that you like. Aurora borealis, it's a phenomenon in the form of brightness that appears in the night sky, actually in polar areas, but may occur in other parts of the world for short periods of time.
    • What steps would you follow to investigate this phenomena? The Aurora Borealis occurs because electrical particles from the sun hit the atmosphere near the poles, producing color bursts. It happens from September to October and from March to April
    • What did they think in the ancient world? In the Middle Ages the interpretation given was about major battles in the sky, fighting armies and troops on horseback. Fear and terror, announcements of big disasters. 

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

La ciencia.


                                 ¿QUÉ ES LA CIENCIA?

La ciencia es un conjunto de conociemientos basados en la observación, experimentación y razonamiento, mediante el cual el hombre explica y describe el mundo que nos rodea y sus distintas reacciones.