domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013



The aspect of the film tthat grabbed my attention the most is how Vincent took over the life of Jerome. It's amazing how technology can make you impersonate another person. They had everything very controlled, from the dress and grooming, to blood or hair that might fall. I honestly do not know how people did not realize that it was someone else, i could see the difference, and counting it was a company with many controls, I don't understand how they didn't caught him, an invalid.

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013

health in spain


 Art. 15. Todos tienen derecho a la vida y a la integridad física y moral, sin que, en ningún caso, puedan ser sometidos a torturas ni a penas o tratos inhumanos o degradantes. Queda abolida la pena de muerte, salvo lo que puedan disponer las Leyes penales militares para tiempos de guerra.

    Art. 40.

    1. Los poderes públicos promoverán las condiciones favorables para el progreso social y económico y para una distribución de la renta regional y personal más equitativa en el marco de una política de estabilidad económica. De manera especial realizarán una política orientada al pleno empleo.

    2. Asimismo, los poderes públicos fomentarán una política que garantice la formación y readaptación profesionales; velarán por la seguridad e higiene en el trabajo y garantizarán el descanso necesario mediante la limitación de la jornada laboral, las vacaciones periódicas retribuidas y la promoción de centros adecuados.

    Art. 43.

    1. Se reconoce el derecho a la protección de la salud.

    2. Compete a los poderes públicos organizar y tutelar la salud pública a través de medidas preventivas y de las prestaciones y servicios necesarios. La ley establecerá los derechos y deberes de todos al respecto.

    3. Los poderes públicos fomentarán la educación sanitaria, la educación física y el deporte. Asimismo facilitarán la adecuada utilización del ocio.

effects of alcohol


The effects of alcohol on the body are numerous and diverse. Alcohol is a powerful psychoactive drug with a high number of tertiary effects that can seriously affect our bodies. The amount and circumstances of consumption play an important role in determining the duration of intoxication. For example, consuming alcohol after a big meal is less likely to produce visible signs of intoxication and stomach vacío.1 Hydration also plays an important role, especially in determining the duration of hangovers.

Short time effects. 
• Slow reflexes and reduced motor coordination.
unclear language and pronunciation errors.
Sense of confidence and freedom (deshinibidor).
Decreased ability to concentrate on one subject.
• Changes in perception: visual hallucinations, auditory and tactile.
Distortion of emotions: sudden changes in mood that can go from joy to tears or aggression.
• Difficult to assess situations: denial of illness.

Long time effects. 

Gastrointestinal upset.
• Loss of appetite.
Skin problems.
• Changes in memory "blackouts."
Liver damage (cirrhosis).
Symptoms presented by individuals with alcoholism
It causes changes in the heart, lungs, blood, etc..
Obsessive-compulsive disease: a fixed and recurring thought. General Anxiety: everything revolves around the substance.
Use alcohol to "escape" from reality, or "solve" problems that require "clarity" and thinking skills to make decisions.
• Presents work problems, school and social: his personality is dishonest, manipulative, intolerant, irresponsible and immature.
persecutory delusions, of grandeur, of jealousy (excessive jealousy, etc.)., Caused by the effects of alcohol.
A high degree of tolerance to alcohol: need more quantities for the desired effect.
• Family and friends worry excessively to your drinking: establishing codependency.
• Alcohol is often the "gateway" to other drugs.